ⓒ 2017 WATV
On March 22, a week before the New Year’s Day by the sacred calendar (March 28), General Assembly 2017 started at the New Jerusalem Pangyo Temple with the Holy Spirit in the presence. The General Assembly was for reporting the gospel results 2016 when the gospel fruit was unprecedentedly abundant in the fervor of preaching to seven billion people, and for having a vision for the year 2017. The commemoration service on the first day of the New Year by the sacred calendar was attended by more than 3,000 church members including title and/or position holders and the Head Office staff as well as the elders who had worked for the gospel since the early days of the church.
At the opening worship service of the General Assembly, Mother sincerely gave thanks to Father for the amazing gospel work throughout the world, from the Himalayas to the Amazon Jungle, and prayed that the members who have devoted themselves to preaching to seven billion people would receive overflowing rewards in heaven.
Mother awakened the pastoral staff members to the spirit of prophets many times—at the opening worship service of the General Assembly, at the commemoration worship service held on the first day of the first month by the sacred calendar, and at the Sabbath services—as She wanted the prophets who were making efforts in various ways, such as preaching the gospel, educating members, and operating the church, to be full of good faith enough to complete the gospel work. Mother emphasized repentance as the element necessary for the completion of the mission to preach to seven billion people. It means that when each and every one realizes that he is a sinner from heaven and fully repents of his sins, he can lower himself and can shout out the gospel in unison with brothers and sisters. “When you always agree to the sound instruction of the Bible and throw away your own thoughts and arrogance, you can reach true repentance,” said Mother. “Please set a good example for the flock as prophets. Let’s lead many souls to turn away from sins,” Mother repeatedly asked (Lk 18:9; Ro 8:36–39; 1 Pe 1:17–19; Isa 57:15; Ac 20:17–24).

ⓒ 2017 WATV
- 국내외 목회자들과 교회 원로를 비롯해 직분·직책자, 총회 직원 등 3천여 명이 참석한 정기총회 기념예배.
General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol wished the pastoral staff and all the members a blessed New Year and gave glory to God Elohim. He vividly delivered the news about rapid establishment of Zions throughout the world and about how the people of unfamiliar countries and diverse nations are being led to Zion. “This must have been impossible without the blessing of God. This year, we need God’s blessing more than ever to preach to seven billion people. As leading prophets, let us first devote ourselves to the gospel work with the spirit and deeds worthy of blessings, and look after our brothers and sisters,” he said with an emphasis (Dt 28:1–13; Ps 1:1–6; Mt 10:28–29; Jn 19:8–11).
This General Assembly consisted of many programs, such as Report on the Worldwide Gospel Results 2016, Presentation on Gospel Plan 2017, the Pastoral Staff Forum, and Conference by Continent, to look into the present state of world evangelism, to listen to good cases, and to seek the right direction of the gospel work.
On March 26, the General Assembly Awards Ceremony 2017 was held and attended by local members to share the joy of the remarkable gospel results. At this year’s awards ceremony, overseas churches showed much advance. A total of 95 churches were awarded for pioneering, 87 churches for producing gospel workers, and 62 churches for church growth.
Mother conferred a plaque on each pastoral staff member of the award-winning church, and complimented the members who devoted themselves to the gospel work even in poor environments. “Like Apostle Paul, they are shouting out the gospel until they get blisters on their feet and their voices grow hoarse. Their gospel works are written in the new book of Acts,” said Mother. “Let’s believe God’s promise to reward each person according to what he has done, and look to the glory of heaven until we fulfill the mission of evangelists,” said General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol, encouraging the members.
The pastoral staff members had glittering eyes with hope and excitement when they were returning to their local churches after finishing the tight schedule. “Over the past year, we experienced the power of God who accomplished the gospel work as fast as light. Preaching to seven billion people will be completed sooner than we imagine,” said Missionary Ju Min-gyu from India, expressing his will to march in step with the members, according to the trumpet sound of prophecies.
There is much attention toward how the pastoral staff and the members will write the new book of Acts in 2017 after witnessing the world evangelism being fulfilled speedily in the blessing of God Elohim through the General Assembly.