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Dedication Service for the Iksan Church, Korea

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  • 日付 | 2013年.3月.18日
The Iksan Church in Korea dedicated a new temple to God. On March 18th, approximately 2,000 members who belong to the Jeonbuk Church Association participated in the dedication service.

ⓒ 2013 WATV
The Iksan Church, located in Galsan-dong, Iksan-si, Jeonbuk, Korea, has five floors above ground and one underground level, and the floor area of the building is about 33,600 ft2. The main worship hall is a duplex type with 800 seats. It has various spaces including education rooms, a reception room, a nursery room, a multipurpose hall, a baptism room, etc. The annexe is equipped with a dining hall, and outside a spacious parking lot is also provided.

Through the dedication service which started at 2:30 p.m., Mother prayed for all the members in the whole world to receive overflowing blessings of the Holy Spirit. Mother delivered Her gratitude to the members of the Iksan Church who worked hard to dedicate the new temple, and to all who came from nearby areas to participate in the dedication. Mother also blessed them to enter the kingdom of heaven without fail by always giving thanks to God for allowing the bigger temple and by overcoming all difficulties with prayers and faith.

ⓒ 2013 WATV
Through a sermon titled “Great God,” General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol preached, “The kingdom of heaven which all human beings long to go is the place where God the Mother dwells as well as God the Father.” He encouraged the members, saying, “Let’s preach the secret of the kingdom of heaven to the people who do not know God the Mother.” At the end of the sermon he added, “Like the name Iksan (which means to increase, to benefit or to help), I hope this Zion will become very helpful and beneficial to the community, the society, the nation and the whole world.”

The members replied, “Amen,” to the request of Pastor Kim Joo-cheol who said, “Please testify to the light of the glory of God the Mother powerfully.” They were determined to become the “keepers of the lighthouse of the truth,” and to take the lead in fulfilling the prophecy that all humankind comes diligently to Mother to seek the water of life.

The members who were busy preparing for the service gave thanks to God and said all together, “We have so many fragrances of Zion during the preparation of the new temple.” They kept boasting about the work of God, “Nearby residents were surprised and envious when they saw the church becoming more beautiful day after day,” “The residents were pleased and complimented that everybody, from students to adults, were smiling and doing their tough jobs joyfully,” “Some people drop by the the church because the exterior of the church building is exceptionally clean and outstanding, and when they see the inside, they are impressed and say it’s great,” “While we were preparing for the dedication, we all preached diligently with one mind, and as a result many souls came back into the arms of God every day without missing a day.”

One female adult member showed her wish, saying, “The church has become wonderful, but the hearts of the members, too, have changed more beautifully. I’d like to fill this big and spacious temple with good fruits by preaching the news of God the Mother with joy day after day.”

ⓒ 2013 WATV
