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2009 Sacred Assembly of the Day of Pentecost

  • | South Korea
  • 日付 | 2009年.5月.31日
On May 31, the members, who had asked for the latter rain of the Holy Spirit early in the morning and in the evening for ten days from the Ascension Day, attended the Sacred Assembly of the Day of Pentecost.

Pentecost is a feast to commemorate the event that Moses went up Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments on the 50th day after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea in the time of the Exodus. The prophecy of this feast was fulfilled by Jesus when He entered the heavenly sanctuary and poured out the Holy Spirit upon His disciples on the 50th day after His resurrection (Ex 19:16-25; Ex 24:1-8; Ac 2:1-4).

Mother asked Father to pour out the latter rain of the Holy Spirit abundantly on Her children who participated in the feast, believing in the power of the Holy Spirit, and prayed for them to fully realize the love of Christ who took pity on sinners and saved them by sacrificing Himself even to the point of death and to put the love of Christ into action. She also prayed that they would all become the workers of the new covenant and preach the good news of salvation to people who were trembling with fear, without knowing where to go, in this age of disaster and confusion.

ⓒ 2009 WATV
General Pastor Joo-Cheol Kim provided an overview of the origin and history of the Pentecost, and explained, “Jesus said, ‘Preach the gospel of the kingdom of heaven in Samaria and to the ends of the earth.’ The reality of the gospel is the new covenant, and only those who are clothed with the Holy Spirit can carry out the mission.” He also emphasized that we can manifest the gifts of the Holy Spirit only when we preach the gospel. In addition, he urged, “Just as the apostles preached the gospel to all people as soon as they received the Holy Spirit 2,000 years ago, let us also fervently carry out the movement to save the whole world through the Holy Spirit given to us, so that we can fulfill the gospel quickly” (Acts 2; Ro 10:13-15).

ⓒ 2009 WATV
After the worship service, Mother encour-aged the members who had offered their prayers with fervent devotion for ten days, and blessed them with the latter rain of the Holy Spirit abundantly. In addition, She repeatedly encouraged Her children to lead human beings in despair to Zion filled with the hope for eternal life and joy, so that they would be complimented by Father a lot.

The members, who were given the prom-ised Holy Spirit to the fullest through the Pentecost, took vigorous steps to proclaim the salvation of Elohim to their family, neighbors, and all human beings.